Fletchers Field was donated to the Parish as public open space by East Hampshire District Council on completion of their adjoining sheltered housing development in July 1978. Black bollards mark the boundary of the donated area. An outside seating area together with raised “all-ability” flower beds were added by Liphook in Bloom to enhance the area. Most recently, a Community Orchard was planted.

The Fletchers Field Community Orchard design was agreed by the Parish Council in August 2021. The Council was keen to include local, heritage fruit trees that were raised in Hampshire and to manage the under-story of the orchard space as a wildflower meadow. It was agreed that the trees should not be too large once mature, but they needed to be large enough to thrive within a wildflower meadow. A variety of species (Apples, Plums and Medlar) were chosen to provide a variety of fruit, with trees at least 5m from public paths to minimise fruit falling on paths. A series of paths have been designed to allow local residents to enjoy the orchard.